Firmus and Rusticus, martyrs of Verona
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHL 3020-3023
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Groups and pairs of saints
ID | Title | E03246 | The Latin Martyrdom of *Firmus and Rusticus (martyrs of Verona, S01487) and Translations of Firmus and Rusticus narrate (starting with the Martyrdom) Firmus and Rusticus’ arrest, trial in Milan and travel to Verona (both in northern Italy), where they are further tortured and beheaded; their bodies are taken away on a boat by seven angels. The Translations follows, narrating that they are buried by angels in Precones in the province of Carthage (central north Africa); their bodies are later miraculously found by a merchant named Terentius and his son Gaudentius, who is freed from a demon by touching the saints’ tomb; the bodies are purchased and brought by them to Capris in Istria (at the top of the Adriatic) and buried in a church dedicated to *Mary (mother of Christ, S00033); finally, after an Avar invasion, the bodies are taken to nearby Trieste, purchased by bishop Anno of Verona together with the bodies of Primus, Marcus, Apollinaris and Lazarus, translated to Verona and buried in a basilica dedicated to them, miracles occurring on the way to Verona and in their shrine. Written presumably in Verona, at an uncertain date between the 8th and mid 9th c. | E04914 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 9 August. | E08315 | 35 relic labels at Sens (northern Gaul), datable by their script to the 7th or 8th c., for relics of a great diversity of saints. Written in Latin, perhaps at Sens, or at an earlier stage in their transmission. |