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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Kyrikos/Cyricus and Ioulitta/Julitta, child and his mother, martyrs of Tarsus

Saint ID


Number in BH

BHG 313y-317, BHL 1801-1814

Type of Saint
Martyrs, Children, Mothers and fathers, Groups and pairs of saints
Related Evidence Records
E00005Gregory of Tours writes the Life of *Abraham (abbot at Clermont, ob. 477, S00005): it tells how Abraham came from the East, founded a monastery at Clermont (central Gaul) at the church of Kyrikos/Cyricus (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), effected miracles, and on his death had his epitaph written by Sidonius Apollinaris. Gregory, Life of the Fathers Book 3, written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 573/594. Overview of Gregory's Life of Abraham
E00009Gregory of Tours, in his Life of *Abraham (abbot at Clermont, ob. 477, S00005), recounts how, at the feast of *Cyricus/Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) in Clermont (central Gaul), Abraham miraculously multiplied the wine needed for those invited. From Gregory's Life of the Fathers (3.1), written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 573/594.
E00695Lamp from Egypt with a Greek inscription (6th–7th c.) mentioning a saint Ioulitta, probably *Ioulitta/Julitta (martyr of Tarsus, mother of Kyrikos/Cyricus, S00007); exact Egyptian provenance unknown.
E00710Greek building inscription of a martyrion of *Kyrikos (probably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), found to the north of Perta (Lycaonia, central Asia Minor). Includes vows for salvation of several deceased persons. Almost certainly later than 537.
E00797Greek inscription labelling a church of *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), found to the south of Aigai (western Asia Minor). Late antique (4th-8th c.) or later.
E00902Greek votive inscription by a certain presbyter Kastor, founder of a church or martyr shrine of *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). Found at Lysias (Phrygia, west central Asia Minor). 5th-6th c.
E00919Greek inscription with an invocation, probably of *Konon (one of the several homonymous martyrs of Anatolia). Found at Laodikeia/Laodicea Combusta (Pisidia, west central Asia Minor). Probably 6th/8th c. or later.
E00977Greek inscription, probably on a boundary stone of a sanctuary of *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). Found near Amisos (Helenopontus, northern Asia Minor). Probably late 5th or 6th c.
E00989A white marble reliquary with carvings and Greek inscriptions referring to the relics of an unidentifiable saint *K(- - -), and apparently also to four unnamed martyrs. Found at Sebasteia (Roman province of Armenia I, eastern Asia Minor). Probably 6th/7th c.
E01076Greek inscription labelling a collective martyr shrine dedicated to *George (presumably the soldier and martyr, S00259), *Konon (one of the several homonymous martyrs of Anatolia, probably that of Isauria, S00430)), *Christophoros (presumably the martyr of Pamphylia, S00616), and, probably, *Kyrikos/Cyricus and Ioulitta/Julitta (child and mother, martyrs of Tarsus, S00007). Found at Yanıkhan near ancient Elaioussa-Sebaste (Cilicia, south-east Asia Minor). 5th-6th c., possibly 470-484.
E01259Greek graffito by a man describing himself as 'servant of the holy martyr *Kyrikos' (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), scratched on the floor of a basilica on Delos (Aegean Islands). Probably 5th-7th c.
E01300Two inscriptions from a rock-cut chamber at Gorgoli (near ancient Sinasos, Cappadocia, eastern Asia Minor) with a record of the deposition of relics of *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), and an invocation of the saint, asked to protect crops and heal the sick. Probably 6th c.
E01945Greek inscription from a boundary stone marking the asylum of a church dedicated to *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). Found at Salamiye (ancient Salamias), to the northeast of Ḥimṣ/Emesa (northwest Phoenicia). Probably 6th c.
E01947Fragmentary Greek inscription commemorating possibly the construction of a martyr shrine (martyrion). Found at Salamiye (ancient Salamias), to the northeast of Ḥimṣ/Emesa (northwest Phoenicia). Probably 5th-7th c.
E02144Greek inscription labelling a tomb (memorion) as the property of a monastery of *Kyrikos (probably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). Found at Bostra (Roman province of Arabia). Probably late 5th or 6th c.
E02351Greek receipt for rent, from Hermopolis (Middle Egypt), concerning a property owned by a monastery or church of *Kyriakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007); datable to the second half of the 6th century.
E02394Floor-mosaics with Greek inscriptions commemorating the restoration of a church and invoking the intercession of *Kyrikos/Quiricus (probably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) for the redemption of the donors. Found at El-Quweismeh/Quwaysmah in the suburbs of Philadelphia/Amman (Roman province of Arabia). Probably 6th c.
E02395Floor-mosaic with a Greek inscription commemorating the construction of a martyr shrine (martyrion, clearly a chapel positioned near a basilica) of *Theodore (probably the soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480; or *Theodoros, a local martyr of Philadelphia/Amman, S01215) and *Kyrikos (probably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), and an altar with a reliquary socket. Found at Khirbat Yâjûz near Philadelphia/Amman (province of Arabia). Probably 6th c., possibly 508/509.
E03275The early seventh-century Georgian version of the Lectionary of Jerusalem commemorates on 15 July in Deir Yassin *Kyrinos/Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007).
E03550Greek building inscription for a shrine dedicated to *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). Found at Medjdel-Yaba near Ras el-Ain, to the north of Diospolis/Lydda (Samaria, Roman province of Palaestina I). Probably 5th-7th c.
E03574Floor-mosaics with a Greek dedicatory inscription to *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). Found in the church complex at Kibbutz Magen in the north-west Negev desert, to the south-east of Gaza (Roman province of Palaestina I). Probably late 5th-early 6th c.
E03663Record of the settlement of a dispute by arbitration, written in Greek on papyrus, mentioning the practice of swearing oaths (horkoi) of innocence at the oratory (euages eukterion) of *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) in Kastron Zadakathon, near Petra. Found in Petra, drafted in Kastron Zadakathon/Sadaqa (Roman province of Palaestina III). P.Petra IV 39, dated 574.
E03802The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 16 July *Ennatha and Oualentina (martyrs of Caesarea of Palestine, S00162), *Paulos (martyr of Caesarea of Palestine, S00164), *Kyrikos/Cyriacus (child martyr of Tarsus, son of *Ioulitta/Julitta, S00007), *Ioulitta/Julitta, martyr of Tarsus, mother of *Kyrikos/Cyricus, S00677), *Antiochos (physician and martyr of Sebasteia, S01997).
E03944In case of his imminent death, Flavios Obodianos, son of Obodianos, sets out on a papyrus in Greek (and partially in Latin), the donation of all his property to the monastery (hagios oikos/domus) of *Aaron (first High Priest, brother of Moses, S01427) on Jabal Hārūn near Petra, and to a hostel (xeneon) of *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). The Church of Petra dedicated to *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033) is also mentioned as the church of the clerics witnessing the donation. Found in Petra (Roman province of Palaestina III). Dated 573.
E04024Coptic agreement from Jeme (Upper Egypt) settling a dispute over inheritance, mentioning an oath being sworn at the church of the martyr Abba *Kyriakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) at castron Jeme; dated most likely to the year 724.
E04032Coptic will of Elisabeth, from Jeme (Upper Egypt), bequeathing her property to her husband, signed by many witnesses, one of which is a priest at the church of *Kyriakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) at Jeme; dated between 26 Mai and 24 June 723.
E04033Coptic will of Tsible, from Jeme (Upper Egypt), concerned with offering to be made after her death is signed by many witnesses who have used a lector of the church of *Kyriakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) to act as their scribe; dated 18 August 729 or 744.
E04124Bronze censer with a dedicatory Greek inscription invoking *Jeremiah (possibly the Old Testament prophet, S01421), *Kyrikos (probably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), and other unnamed saints. Provenance unknown, probably the Roman provinces of Palestine or Arabia. Now in Jerusalem. Probably 6th c.
E04134Coptic ostracon from Jeme (Upper Egypt) with fragments of a letter mentioning *Kyriakos (child martyr of Tarsus, son of *Ioulitta/Julitta, S00007) and *Ananias (bishop with cult at Jeme, S01224); datable to the 7th/8th century.
E04141Coptic ostracon from Edfu/Apollonopolis (Upper Egypt) with a letter of a bishop Moyses, urging his addressee to gather the (monastic) congregation at the 'place' of Apa *Kyrikos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007); datable to the 7th century.
E04144Coptic account from Edfu/Apollonopolis (Upper Egypt) concerning the delivery of measures of vegetables, mentioning institutions dedicated to *Kyriakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) and Stephen (possibly the First Martyr, S00030) receiving a delivery/donation; datable to the second half of the 7th century.
E04154Floor-mosaic with a Greek inscription invoking the intercession of *Kyrikos (probably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007). Found at Khirbet el-Buraq (Samaria, Roman province of Palaestina I). Probably 6th c.
E04199Coptic ostracon from Jeme (Upper Egypt) with a loan agreement, mentioning a presbyter of an institution dedicated to Apa *Kyri(a)kos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) as the scribe of the document and its sole witness; datable to the 8th century.
E04312Greek fiscal codex from Aphrodito (Upper Egypt), offering a list of fugitives and mentioning among them monks from the monastery of *Christophoros (presumably the martyr of Pamphylia, S00616) in the pagarchy of Panopolis (Upper Egypt), of *Ieremias (saint of Saqqara, S00773) and *Kyriakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, son of *Ioulitta/Julitta, S00007) in the pagarchy of the Thinite nome (Upper Egypt), as well as another of Kyriakos in the pagarchy of Panopolis (Upper Egypt); dated around the year 709.
E04360Fragmentary record of a cancelled agreement, possibly a loan, mentioning Patrikios, son of Sergios, as abbot (higoumenos) of the monastery of *Sergios and *Bakchos (soldiers and martyrs of Rusafa and Barbalissos, S00023 and S00079) at Nessana/Auja Hafir in the Negev desert (Roman province of Palaestina III), and just possibly *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsos, S00007). Written in Greek on papyrus. Found at Nessana. P.Nessana 147, probably early 7th c.
E04363Coptic document from Jeme (Upper Egypt) concerning the release from a debt which is turned into a donation, mentioning the monastery of Apa *Paulos, the anchorite, as well as institutions dedicated to *Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), *Kosmas (probably the physician and martyr of Mesopotamia, S00385), and *Theodore (soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480); dated 13 September 698.
E04560The Greek Life of *Daniel the Stylite (ob. 493, S00342) recounts the life and manifold miracles of an ascetic who, imitating *Symeon the Stylite (the Elder, ob. 459, S00343), lived on a pillar and founded a monastic community at Anaplous on the Bosphorus. The text mentions shrines of martyrs and prophets in Constantinople, the use of holy oil and images, and the transfer of relics of Symeon the Stylite and the *Three Hebrew Youths (of the Old Testament Book of Daniel, S01198) to Constantinople. Written in Constantinople, 493/518.
E04853The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 16 June.
E04854The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 17 June.
E04858The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 21 June.
E05169The Latin Calendar of Sinai records the feasts of saints through the year, followed by a list of the apostles to various regions of Christianity. Written possibly in North Africa, possibly in the 7th/8th c.; preserved in a manuscript, probably of the 9th c., in St Catherine's monastery, Sinai. Basic Entry.
E05282Two hymns in honour of *Cyricus and Julitta (child and his mother, martyrs of Tarsus, S00007) composed in Latin in Spain, possibly in the 7th c.
E05283The Greek Life of *Theodoros (ascetic and abbot of Sykeon, ob. 613, S01619), by Eleusios-Georgios of Sykeon, mentions several shrines and festivals of saints at Sykeon and other places in Anatolia, the Holy Land, and Constantinople. Written at Sykeon (central Asia Minor), in the 640s.
E05291The Greek Life of *Theodoros (ascetic and abbot of Sykeon, ob. 613, S01619) is written by Eleusios-Georgios of Sykeon, recounting the life, ascetic feats, and miracles of its hero, and the foundation of the monastic centre of Sykeon in Galatia (central Asia Minor). The text mentions several shrines and festivals of saints in cities and villages of Asia Minor, and also in Constantinople and the Holy Land. Written in Greek at Sykeon, in the 640s. Overview entry
E05315John Moschus, in his Spiritual Meadow (92), recounts how Abba George, archimandrite of the monastery of Theodosios outside Jerusalem, was building a church of *Kyrikos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) in the city of Phasaelis in Palestine. In a dream, a monk appeared to him and asked if it was just that he be left outside the church; the next day the body of this monk, a certain Peter, was found; Abba George buried the body in a tomb in the right aisle of the completed church. Written in Greek, probably in Rome, in the 620s or 630s.
E05696Coptic ostracon from Jeme (Upper Egypt) with a statement drawn up by the presbyter of the church of Apa *Kyriakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) at Jeme announcing that he and his family are allowed to build behind the 'new church', most likely of the same saint; datable to the 8th century.
E05911List of litanies and vigils at churches and monasteries of Auxerre (central Gaul), written in Latin at Auxerre in the time of Bishop Aunacharius (561-605), possibly in the period 585/592: churches mentioned are dedicated to *Germanus (bishop of Auxerre, ob. 448, S00455), *Amator (bishop of Auxerre, ob. 418, S01980), *Marianus (ascetic of Auxerre, 5th c., S02175), *Peter (the Apostle, S00036), *Valerianus (bishop of Auxerre, 4th c., S02176), *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397, S00050), and *Julian (martyr of Brioude, S00035), and monasteries dedicated to *Cyricus/Kyrikos (child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) and (without naming them directly), *Priscus and his companions (martyrs of Auxerre, S02412).
E05982Coptic ostracon from Jeme (Upper Egypt) with a document concerning payments mentioning the feast of *Kyriakos/Karakos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007); datable to the 7th century.
E05990Coptic ostracon from Deir el-Bahari (Upper Egypt) with a list of corn and artabas mentioning the place of *Kyriakos/Kyrikos (presumably the child martyr of Tarsus, S00007) as a recipient; datable to the 7th century.
E06118The Greek Martyrdom of *Kyrikos/Cyricus and Ioulitta/Julitta (child and his mother, martyrs of Tarsus, S00007) tells the story of a precocious child saint and his mother who, after initially fleeing from Ikonion/Iconium, are martyred in Tarsus under the governor Alexander after extravagant torture. Probably written in Tarsus or elsewhere in south-east Asia Minor, probably in the 5th century.
E06121The Greek Martyrdom of *Kyrikos/Cyricus and Ioulitta/Julitta (child and his mother, martyrs of Tarsus, S00007), by Theodoros bishop of Ikonion/Iconium, is written to supplant the earlier ‘epic’ Martyrdom (E06118) by retelling the story in a more down-to-earth fashion. Probably written in Ikonion (central Asia Minor) in the mid 6th century or later.
E06887List of subscriptions documenting foundations dedicated to saints in Constantinople, Syria, and Palestine, preserved in a petition to Pope Agapitus I from eastern monks. Written in Greek in Constantinople in 536.
E07742Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (2.21), records the presence in Clermont (central Gaul) of *Abraham (abbot at Clermont, ob. 477, S00005), in the monastery of *Quiricus (Kyrikos, child martyr of Tarsus, S00007), and refers to the book of Abraham's Life that he (Gregory) has written. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 575/594.
E0831535 relic labels at Sens (northern Gaul), datable by their script to the 7th or 8th c., for relics of a great diversity of saints. Written in Latin, perhaps at Sens, or at an earlier stage in their transmission.