Magi (of the Nativity story)
Saint ID
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Other New Testament saints, Monarchs and their family
ID | Title | E00367 | Gregory of Tours writes the Glory of the Martyrs (Liber in Gloria Martyrum), in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. Overview entry. | E00998 | Fragmentary Greek inscription with otherwise unknown pieces of hagiographical or liturgical writings, referring probably to *James ('brother of the Lord', S00058), and certainly to Abgar, king of Edessa, and to the *Magi (S00180) as people who travelled to or lived in Jerusalem, were redeemed, and were examples to be followed by contemporary Christians. Found at Ankyra (Galatia, central Asia Minor). Probably late 5th/6th c. | E02662 | Floor-mosaic with a Greek inscription commemorating the paving of an unnamed martyr shrine (martyrion), probably at a monastery. Floor-mosaics in the aisles show narrative scenes of the Book of Daniel (with *Daniel, the Old Testament Prophet, 00727, and the *Three Hebrew Youths of the fiery furnace, S01198), an image of *Moses (S00241), and presumably of the Adoration of the Magi (S00180). Found at Tell Ya‘amun, to the south of en-Nu'eiyima, between al-Husn and Jerash (Roman province of Arabia). Dated, perhaps AD 500. | E06046 | Mosaics in the nave of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna (northern Italy) depicting twenty-two female saints, preceded by the three Magi, processing towards the Virgin and Child, and twenty-six male saints, probably originally preceded by *Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030), processing towards Christ; created under Bishop Agnellus, 557/564. |