Leo, bishop of Rome, ob. 461
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHL 4817
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E00690 | The Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae, a guide to saints' graves around Rome, closes with the church and grave of *Peter (the Apostle, S00036) on the 'via Vaticana', north-west of the city. Written in Latin in Rome, 625/649. A description of the basilica, added in the later 8th c., lists many of the altars of saints within the church. | E01305 | The Liber Pontificalis, written in Latin in Rome in the 530s, and re-edited before 546, in its account of *Leo (bishop of Rome, ob. 461, S00423), tells how a certain Demetrias built a basilica of *Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030) on the via Latina outside Rome; how Leo himself established a monastery at St Peter's, built a basilica to *Cornelius (bishop and martyr of Rome, S00172) near the cemetery of Callixtus on the via Appia, carried out a number of repairs at the basilicas of the Apostles *Peter (S00036) and *Paul (S00008) and at the Lateran, and replaced the liturgical vessels of the city's tituli, which had been stolen by the Vandals. It also gives an account of the Council held in the basilica of *Euphemia (martyr of Chalcedon, S00017) at Chalcedon, near Constantinople, and records *Leo's burial in Rome at the basilica of St Peter on 11 April [AD 461]. | E03648 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 18 February *Timothy (disciple of the Apostle Paul, S00446) and *Leo (bishop of Rome, ob. 461, 00423). | E05015 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 10 November. | E05330 | John Moschus, in his Spiritual Meadow (147-8), recounts stories which circulated in Alexandria, Constantinople, and Rome about *Leo I (bishop of Rome, S00423) and his letter to Flavian of Constantinople against Eutyches and Nestorios. He is said to have laid the letter on the tomb in Rome of *Peter (the Apostle, S00036), so that Apostle corrected it in his own hand. Moschus also recounts a dream vision of Leo I endorsing the efforts of Patriarch Eulogios I of Alexandria (580-608) on behalf of Chalcedonian Orthodoxy. Written in Greek, probably in Rome, in the 620s or 630s. | E05856 | The Calendar of Willibrord, in its earliest version, records the feasts of various saints in June. Written in Latin at Echternach, Frisia (north-east Gaul), 703/710. | E05861 | The Calendar of Willibrord, in its earliest version, records the feasts of various saints in November. Written in Latin at Echternach, Frisia (north-east Gaul), 703/710. |