Hedistus, Priscus and Companions, martyrs of Laurentum near Rome
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHL 3765
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Lesser clergy , Groups and pairs of saints, Soldiers, Mothers and fathers
ID | Title | E00688 | The Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae, a guide to saints' graves around Rome, lists those on the via Portuensis, south-west of the city. Written in Latin in Rome, 625/649. | E02499 | The Latin Martyrdom of *Hedistus, Priscus and Companions (martyrs of Laurentum, S01229) narrates how the soldier of Nero Hedistus, who had been baptised by *Peter (the Apostle, S00036), meets and celebrates liturgy, vigils, prayers and fasts with the priest Priscus, his wife Thermantia and daughter Christes, and a woman named Victoria, in a sand quarry close to an altar of Diana where Nero hunts; their deaths by being buried alive in the sand quarry, situated on the via Laurentina, except Victoria who is killed by the sword. Written presumably near Laurentum, at an uncertain date. | E04984 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 12 October. | E06443 | Gregory the Great in a papal letter (Register 14.14) of 604, to Felix, sub-deacon and governor of the Appian patrimony, details lands which will be used to support the lighting of the church of *Paul (the Apostle, S00008), San Paolo fuori le mura; in detailing the locations of these lands, monasteries of *Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030) and 'of saint *Aristus' (possibly Hedistus, martyr of Laurentum, S01229), both close to San Paolo, are mentioned. Written in Latin in Rome. |