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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Paphnoutios, ascetic and martyr of Egypt

Saint ID


Number in BH

BHG 1418z-1419a

Type of Saint
Martyrs, Ascetics/monks/nuns
Related Evidence Records
E01400The Greek Martyrdom of *Paphnoutios the Anchorite and his 546 Companions (ascetic and martyr of Egypt, S00063) recounts the story of an ascetic man from Dendera (Upper Egypt) who is arrested to be martyred, but miraculously 'recruits' 546 people who die with him as martyrs. It names 20 April as the saints' feast day. Written in Egypt in the 5th/6th century.
E03650The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 20 February the deposition of the relics of the saints at the burial of *Rachel (wife of the Old Testament patriarch Jacob, S00701), *Theodore (soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00048), and *Paphnoutios (possibly the ascetic and martyr of Egypt, S01509).
E03715The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 20 April *Maximianos (bishop of Constantinople, ob. 434, S01817), *Arethas and the Martyrs of Najran (ob. 522/523, S01492), and *Paphnoutios (ascetic and martyr of Egypt, S01509).
E04294Greek fiscal codex from Aphrodito (Upper Egypt), mentioning payments from various 'places' (topoi) dedicated to saints, such as a topos of *Enoch, *Mary, *Viktor (presumably the martyr of Egypt, son of Romanos, S00749), *Phoibammon, and *Papnouthios (probably the ascetic and martyr of Egypt, S01509), as well a district or institution named after *Pinoution (S01613); dated 18 June 706.
E04427Greek Graffito from the monastery of Epiphanios at Thebes (Upper Egypt), mentioning the martyr Apa *Papnouthios (possibly the ascetic and martyr, S01509); datable to the first half of the 7th century.
E07035Coptic Martyrdom of the Seven martyrs (S00060), one of them being Apa *Paule, another Apa *Papnouti (perhaps the ascetic and martyr of Egypt, S01509), of unknown Egyptian provenance, presumably written during the 6th century. Skeleton entry
E07744A 5th century papyrus from Oxyrhynchos contains fragments from Greek martyrdom accounts of *Paphnoutios (ascetic and martyr of Egypt, S01509) and *Christina (martyr of Tyre, S00907).