Epipodius and Alexander, martyrs of Lyon
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHL 2574-2575
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E00367 | Gregory of Tours writes the Glory of the Martyrs (Liber in Gloria Martyrum), in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. Overview entry. | E00570 | Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Martyrs (49), mentions the martyrdom of Photinus/Potheinos, bishop and one of the *Martyrs of Lyon (S00316), and tells of the martyrdom of his successor *Irenaeus (bishop and martyr of Lyon, S02832), who is buried in the church of *John (probably the Baptist, S00020, possibly the Evangelist and Apostle, S00042) in Lyon (south-east Gaul), next to *Epipodius and Alexander (martyrs of Lyon, S00318); dust gathered from their graves can cure the sick. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. | E00874 | Anonymous sermon ('Eusebius Gallicanus', Sermon 55), on *Epipodius and Alexander (martyrs of Lyon, S00318). Preached in Latin at Lyon (south-east Gaul), probably in the 5th century. | E02448 | Gregory of Tours writes the Glory of the Confessors, in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 587/588. Overview entry. | E02676 | Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Confessors (63), tells how dust from the tomb in Lyon (south-east Gaul) of an unnamed woman, who is said to have picked up a sandal of *Epipodius (martyr of Lyon, S00318), cures the sick. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 587/588. | E06302 | The Latin Martyrdom of *Epipodius and Alexander (martyrs of Lyon, S00318) describes the arrest, trial and martyrdom of the two saints at Lyon, supposedly in the late 2nd century; their secret burial; the preservation of Epipodius' sandal as a relic, and its healing powers. Written in Lyon (south-east Gaul) at an unknown date, probably between c. 600 and c. 800. | E07646 | Latin epitaph on a marble plaque for a boy who served in the martyrium of an *unnamed martyr or martyrs(S00060), probably *Irenaeus (bishop and martyr of Lyon, S02832), and *Epipodius and Alexander (martyrs of Lyon, S00318). Found near the church of Saint Irenaeus in Lyon (south-east Gaul). Date: 546-606. |